Located in the heart of Defiance County, the Village of Sherwood is ready to provide a supportive community for your home and business.
Our mission is to serve our community by highlighting the many reasons Sherwood, Ohio is a great place to live, work, and to call home.
Why is Sherwood, Ohio a great place to be? Find out in the extended cut from these #SherwoodProud locals and learn about big things to come for the little village on OH-18 and US-127. Special thanks to Defiance County Economic Development for helping make this project happen!
Changing the world is possible. And it takes a village.
In 1857 Henry David Thoreau wrote: “Men should not go to New Zealand to write or think of Greece and Rome, nor more to New England. Celebrate not the Garden of Eden, but your own.” Find out why Sherwood, Ohio is a garden worth celebrating below.
Will you be the village?
Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our goals, becoming a member, or offering ideas and feedback on how to make a better village; we need you on our team.

“To make a small town achieve its potential, you need everybody. When a blind person carries a crippled person who can see, both of them get where they're going.”
Sherwood, Ohio is #SmallTownStrong